
あとナルニア。"The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe"が映画化。日本での知名度はよく知らないけど、アメリカの小学生ならまず間違いなく一度は読んでるってゆー作品だけに、これは観に行かずばなるまい!ってくらい期待中。ただ原作が7巻完結のハズなので、勢いで一気に作れるのかなぁってのは懸念材料。とにかく、子供心にワクワクしたあの世界が綺麗に再現されていることを願うばかり。Faun(なんか下半身が山羊で上半身が人間で角とか生えてる生物が出てくるですよ。陽気に楽器なんか演奏しちゃう)はちゃんと出てくるのかなぁ。あとTurkishも。

Turkish Delight is said to have originated in the Middle East centuries ago under the name lokum. It has also been referred to as Turkish Paste over the years. Today it is still very popular in the Middle Eastern cultures as well as Europe. Its base is primarily corn starch and sugar; but more modern recipes use gelatin and sugar. Its original flavoring was rose water; however over the century’s fruit juices, such as lemon and orange, have been used for variety. Pistachios and walnuts are commonly added for a different texture. When the mixture sets, it is soft and sticky and is cut into small cubes. It is then dipped in powdered sugar and is best if stored in an airtight container.


Turkish Delight

Two cupfuls granulated sugar
One cupful water
One and one-half envelope granulated sparkling gelatine
Juice of one orange
Juice of one lemon
Red coloring
One-half cupful chopped nut meats

Soak the gelatine in one-half the cold water ten minutes. Put the sugar and remaining water in the kettle and bring to the boiling point, add soaked gelatine and juice of orange and lemon. Boil to 240°, or soft boil, add coloring and nut meats. Beat until creamy, turn into a bread pan, first dipped in cold water, to one inch in depth. Let stand until firm, turn out on board, and cut into cubes; roll in powdered sugar.